A Story Of Kamadhenu


There was in those days a cow, called Kamadhenu, for she was the “cow of plenty.” A boy, whose name was Vellamanu, tended the cow, and she gave much milk. Adisakti, the primeval energy worshipped by the aborigines, permitted the gods to drink the milk of Kamadhenu.

The boy, Vellamanu, desired exceedingly to taste of the milk. But the gods said: “You shall not by any means partake of it.” He would not rest satisfied.  One day he lay down as if sick. By stealth he took the pot from which the gods had drunk the milk, poured water into it and drank it.  He said to himself: “If the milk tastes so good, how must the meat taste?” Kamadhenu became aware of his evil intentions. At the very thought that any one should desire to eat her flesh, her spirit departed, and she fell dead.

The gods heard what had happened. They came to the spot and found Kamadhenu dead. What should be done? They went to Adijam­buvu and said: ” You are the greatest among us. You must divide her into four parts.” He did so. One part he retained for himself, one part was given to Brahma, one to Vishnu, and one to Siva. They took their parts and went away.

Ere long the gods came back and said, ” We must have the cow again.”  They brought their three parts, and called for Adijambuvu’s part. But the boy, Vellamanu, had meantime cut off a piece and was boiling it. As it bubbled in the pot a particle of the meat rose with the bubbles and fell into the fire. He took it up, blew against it, so that the moisture in his breath touched the meat, and put it back into the pot.

Adijambuvu took his part of the cow, and with the other three parts proceeded to create a new cow. But, alas! the flesh that had been boiled and breathed upon could not be replaced. Kamadhenu was not as before. Loose skin was hanging down from her chin, the flesh that had formerly filled it was gone. She was reduced in every way. From her proud stature of two heads, four horns, eight feet and two tails she dwindled down to the present size of the cow.

The gods said, “Adijambuvu has to come down from his height and be beneath us.” Thus, the day of his humiliation began. He dug himself a well, and the boy, Vellamanu, dug another, for caste difference rose between them.

This story Is taken From The Book “While Sewing Sandals or Tales of Telugu Pariah Tribe” By Emma Rauschenbusch-Clough


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